Digital_Repository / Repositories / Maps / Otago Eprints / Databases / Geo / insert stuff.sql
#select distinct(Field5) as "CC", Field6 as "Country" from tempDB order by CC;

insert into country (cc, country) select distinct(Field5) as "CC", Field6 as "Country" from tempDB;
insert into country values ("O1","");
insert into country values ("CC","Cocos (Keeling) Islands");
insert into country values ("CX","Christmas Islands");
insert into country values ("EH","Western Sahara");
insert into country values ("GS","South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI");
insert into country values ("PM","Saint-Pierre and Miquelon");
insert into country values ("SH","Saintt Helena");
insert into country values ("SJ","Svalbard and Jan Mayen");
insert into country values ("TF","French Southern Territories");

#select * from country order by cc;